Okay so as you saw before before I did a pinterest special and had a total fail in my microwave. This time I decided to take on a life hack that I'd heard of.
So for some reason I heard somewhere that if you cut in onion and cry just cut it underwater and then the fumes cannot get you!
So it sounds brilliant and I gave it a try.
Life hack= fail.
All I had was a watery oniony mess and I couldn't even cut up the onion cause it was floating around all the bowl...
So I follow the directions and was totally craving brownies this could have been a more perfect time to try this experiment. Unfortunately I did not have success. I'd say this is totally a pinterest fail. Do not try this at home.
Hey everyone! So I know it's been a really long time but have been super busy with life and living and I actually found a job! Yay! Don't worry they'll be many more tricks and tips to come so stay tuned!
That's right we have joined the ranks of the post new year's dieters! What a bandwagon to jump on. Well anyhow, when I met Kyle I weighed just 100 pounds (50 pounds lighter than now and the same height!)
(I did some modeling back then)
It was not healthy but I was not trying to loose weight-the weight just didn't come on. I know-great problem to have. Until all of a sudden a switch must have been flicked in the hormone deparment and without fail pound by pound the weight crept on. At first I was SO happy! I finally had-well-a figure. ;)
Then I had to go on something called prenisone. It is a miracle drug except for on noted problem-weight gain. And you don't just gain it in the belly-you gain it in the face too.
Check out that moon face! Ugh!
Well anyhow long story short, I now carry a bit more weight than I wish to and I can't blame anything except really terrible eating habits. So I decided to make a change. My husband is a physical therapist in training and happens to know quite a bit about diet and exercise so he recommended we go gluten-free/sugar-free otherwise known as paleo. Well for someone that has NEVER EVER had to watch what I eat... this should be interesting. We are going to chronicle what happens in a video blog we are calling "The Paleo Diaries"
There are so many ways to modify your favorite food to make it healthier and more cost effective. Add applesauce to brownie mix instead of butter, add spread in place of margarine in most recipes, or...
Add cous cous to beef to make a delicious taco feast!
Cooking with no clean up? Does such a thing exits? Well modern technology has gotten pretty close. These new ceramic cookware items make clean up virtually unneeded! I just rinse these pans off and wipe them off to put them away. No sponges, no Brillo pads, no elbow grease. I love it! Here's a link to the pan in the video. I got mine from my mom because she's always looking into these great new products and she got it for 15 bucks at a Marshall's so they're pretty cheap too! :)